Friday, 19 December 2014


The singing of our team song at yesterdays farewell assembly was amazing. Totara students stood tall and sang our Totara part with a huge sense of pride. It made us very proud to be part of Totara Team!
We would like to wish all the 2014 Year 8 students a fond farewell and best wishes for their next learning journey at secondary school. We like to follow your achievements so please keep in touch.
Next year will be an exciting time for Totara Team with new Year 7 students and Year 8 students taking on leadership roles. The end of a year always brings change and this year is no exception with many teachers moving to different classes and teams. Ms Parker will remain in Totara Team but will be moving to Room 12. Mrs Yeoman is moving to Room 19/20 which will be part of Tanekaha team and Mrs Scoble is moving to Room 4 which is part of Kahikatea team. 2015 will be a little different for us all but Totara Team will always have a special place in our hearts!
Mrs Yeoman and Mrs Scoble.

Recognition Assemblies

It was wonderful to see a large number of Totara Students receiving awards at our final Recognition Assemblies. Lots of family members attended the assemblies and we were all treated to some fantastic singing and excellent dance and drama performances. We had students being acknowledged for their service roles in duties such as Road Patrol, PE Monitors, Koru Monitors, Staff-room Monitors and School Librarians. We also had many students who were recognised for their sporting and cultural endeavors. Excellence, leadership and citizenship were other areas that Totara students were recognised for. We are very proud of the students who were recognised and are sure their achievements will be inspirations for next years Totara students.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Technology Challenge Winners!

A big congratulations to our Technology Challenge Team!  They won the competition with their fantastic cupcake decorating skills, managing to capture key elements of our team in their designs.  

For their efforts they won a $20 gift voucher from the Sugar Bowl (our local cafe and judges of the competition) which Mrs Johnstone presented at our team assembly.  Lucky Mrs Yeoman gets to accompany them and have a treat too!

Technology Challenge Team
  • Room 19 - Angel Taipari 
  • Room 20 - Jessica-Ann Linton-Brown 
  • Room 21 - Toby Hafliger 

Our Technology Challenge winners - with Mrs Johnstone

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Reminder - School Magazine

Just a reminder that this years' school magazine is available for pre-order. To secure your copy, place $10 (cheque or cash) in a named envelope and drop it in the student mailbox.

All orders must be in by this Friday, December 5th. These are very popular so don't miss out!