This term our major English focus has been writing and presenting a speech using the school wide speech topics for 2013.
We soon discovered this involves lots of thinking, research, brainstorming and plenty of opportunities to write! Once our draft speech was written we shared it with people in our class and their feedback enabled us to develop it even further. We then wrote our speech onto cue cards and spent the next few weeks working on the delivery of our speeches. This was where we aimed to learn some parts of our speech off by heart. We practised making eye contact with the audience, trying to include gestures and really importantly speaking with expression as well as ensuring we didn't speak too quickly or softly! The motto 'Practise makes perfect' seems to fit well here!
Our speeches were presented to our class, then 5 students were selected from each room to present their speech at the Totara Team Speech Finals. After these presentations our team nominated 7 students for the school semi finals and following these Totara Team had 5 students selected to present their speech at the Oratory Finals.
On Wednesday evening Dana Collins, Stanley James, Bella Scott and Jakeb Stent did a fantastic job presenting their speeches at the Oratory Finals and Totara Team, along with their families, were extremely proud of them. We would also like to acknowledge Jessica Hale who was one of the announcers/hosts for the evening. Huge congratulations to Stanley James who was the winner of Section 2.